NEBULA project partners online meeting
The project NEBULA – New European Bauhaus in Urban and ruralL Areas is still ongoing.
An online meeting of the project partners has just finished, during which we discussed many important issues.
We are choosing a logo, collecting materials for the first, interesting outcome. These will include examples of projects in the New European Bauhaus (NEB) programme. The projects within the New European Bauhaus initiative activate us all to imagine and collectively build a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful to our eyes, minds and souls.
We therefore read into practices and experiences that are:
● empowering, inspired by art and culture, responding to needs beyond simple functionality,
● sustainable, in harmony with nature, the environment and our planet,
● inclusive, encouraging dialogue between cultures, disciplines, genders and age groups.
Here is a list of the new winning projects, which are very inspiring!
New European Bauhaus Prizes and European Urban Initiative Call: meet the winners (…/new….
The work of selecting best practices is developing and creative, which does not at all mean easy. Today’s meeting was full of important issues and decisions.
The project involves 6 ambitious partner organisations .
● Non-formal education for youth from Ukraine
PRISM Impresa Sociale from Italy
E-Juniors from France
● GEYC from Romania
● E-Medine – Europe Direct Catania from Italy
● FRAME from Poland
Keep your fingers crossed for us, because we have a lot of work ahead of us!
And after the holidays we will present the first result: a Handbook for Young Entrepreneurs inspired by European best practices and the results of the survey, which you will hear about soon!