Project objective
- Strengthen the professional development of teachers to acquire inclusive and creative competencies to effectively promote student development and increase the participation of marginalised students through the use of art, digital tools and through real examples of artistic models
- Enable teachers to acquire the know-how to deal with a multicultural classroom and increase their intercultural competence through a range of digital and artistic methodologies
- Enable a cross-curricular learning approach to increase the capacity of teachers to plan educational interventions that are more responsive to the needs of their target students, improve classroom atmosphere to encourage intercultural dialogue, increase openness towards social inclusion and empathy and develop digital competencies of both teachers and students
- Improve student motivation in pursuing social well-being and inclusion in their school environment and wider school community so to improve their active participation, communication and creativity.
Target groups
- secondary school teachers from all teaching disciplines
- Seconday school students, at risk of exclusion, lacking digitial resources and know how and at risk of drop out due to poor wellieng overall are the seocndary target group.
- Teaching staff, school community stakeholders and families of school children will also be targeted through the implementation of the main work packages and in the delivery of the final events in each country and dissmination activities.
Project results
- Compendium of Success Stories showcasing artist role models;
- Learning modules on the use of innovative approached based on art and artists stories of inclusion and providing effective training
- tools to improve the creative skills of students and the launch of an Educational Web radio for schools with radio broadcasting.
- The creation of an educational web radio and new methods of student engagement through the arts will offer both teachers and students new digital skills and channels for using art as a method of teaching and learning.
Added value
The project objectives are strictly connected with the innovation, qualitymand recognition of teachers’ work and the cooperation among associated schools from 5 countries will amplify the impact of IncludArt.
Planned activities:
- Stakeholder analysis, success story collection and compendium specifications – collection of local and international stories and development of Compendium
- Design of leaning modules, training delivery and assessment – mapping of stakeholders, focus groups, pilot testng with teachers and local and international level
- Development and application of the Educational web radio – delivery of pilot training with students and teachers
- Communication actions, Dissemination & sustainability
Project duration:
November 2022 – October 2024
More information:
Project coordinator
Radio ECCA
Project partners
PRISM Impresa Sociale S.R.L.
Fundación Escuelas Profesionales de la Sagrada Familia
Research and Education of Social Empowerment and Transformation – RESET LTD
Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywności Międzynarodowej i Edukacyjnej – FRAME
Pelican Language School
The Czech Republic
Contact the project supervisor
Marta Kędzia
Adam Gogacz
Katarzyna Kasznicka
Tags: IncludeArt