Entrepreneurship / creativity / ecology School education

Refashion for Good: Empowering School Communities towards a 4R way of living through Fashion

Project Objective

Refashion for Good project strives for empowering teenagers with the 4R philosophy of life to tackle fashion over-consumption focusing on its environmental and social impact. To this aim, Refashion for Good sets the following goals:

  • To empower teachers with methods and tools to activate themselves and students towards 4Rs practices in fashion.
  • To empower students with competences towards embedding a 4R way of living.
  • To nourish RfG ambassadors to trigger change in the community.

Target groups

Key target groups

  • High school students from different areas and backgrounds
  • educators, secondary school teachers
  • fashion specialists, social activists and entrepreneurs
  • public institutions and educational experts
  • Everyone interested in the environmental natural and social impact of fashion


  1. RfG Lesson Plans Database
  • A database of Good Practices, which will present a collection of competent good practices of the Sustainable Fashion Ecosystem with double focus on green skills and social skills development applied in secondary schools, but also in non formal educational settings, around Europe and beyond. These will work also as a repository for inspiration and will be the base to provide for a flexible package with innovative and updated lesson plans. Partners will create lesson plans based on the 4R philosophy contributing all with their respective expertise.
  • 2. RfG Teachers Toolbox
  • The RfG Teachers Training Handbook includes the RfG framework for the training, detailed description of 15 activities (connected to the 3 Phases of RfG Lesson Plans – 5 guiding activities for each phase), workpath for teacher training and alternative adaptations to specific cultural/local situations.
  • A three-day training workshop for teachers. This workshop will be organized by the lead partner of Result 3 – Animacion. Five trainers from partner organizations will conduct the training for fifteen secondary school teachers from partner countries (Denmark, Greece, Italy, Spain, Poland). They will experience the power of the RfG model and provide feedback on the initial assumptions of the project results. Through this intensive workshop, teachers will be empowered to conduct pilot tests in their schools.
  • Online teacher training workshop. Open to all teachers and youth workers. The workshop will be delivered over 2 days, 6 hours in an online format, in English and the language of the partner country.
  • 3. Multimedia Hub
  • DoFeel-Good Practices: This result will serve as a repository of good practices with videos and links from fashion changemakers, sustainability doers for fashion or relevant 4R for fashion school projects. Here students , teachers and general audience will be able to find practices from all over the world from successful eco- entrepreneurs ad influencers for positivity to activism initiatives for Slow Fashion and local initiatives on mental health and caring for the other.
  • RfG Teacher’s corner: Here the space is dedicated for teachers; they will find materials and extra resources to use in class , while the Teachers’ Handbook will be complemented by 5 tutorial videos created by the consortium to explain and visualise the guidelines of the handbook in short.
  • RfG Inspiration Podcasts: Partners will be called to reach out to fashion and positivity actors who will share with them their practices and give tips to young people for a more sustainable future through fashion and for a world with no stereotypes and discrimination.
  • Brand with Me: Adding up to the RfG Lesson Plans’ , this result will offer a story space for videos from the students’ school runways but also from their interaction with local practitioners of fashion and 4R philosophy.

Wartość dodana

The project aims to create an environmentally and socially sustainable school community -4R-, shaping future change-makers, achieving not only greener behavior, but also breaking stereotypes and misconceptions, creating a more inclusive and quality environment through participatory methods, campaigns and community involvement.


In each partner country, there will be a conference to disseminate the results of the project.

Teacher training will also be provided, taking into account the materials developed by the project partnership.

Project duration:

January 2023 – December 2025

More information:

Project coordinator

NNY – New Nordic Youth efterskole


Project partners

Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywności Międzynarodowej i Edukacyjnej – FRAME


Associació Animacción Arteterapia




Diapolitismiko Gymnasio Evosmou


People of 2050


Stimmuli for Social Change


Contact the project supervisor

Marta Kędzia


Katarzyna Kasznicka


Edyta Weigel

