Conference Fake news and information overload. How can older people cope with this challenge?
You are cordially invited to participate in
Conference “Fake news and information overload. How can the older people cope with this challenge?”
which will be held on January 17, 2024 at Fabryka Aktywności Miejskiej in Lodz.
This conference is the concluding event of the two-year international project “FakeNews&Elders – Elders in the Times of Fake News and Information Overload,” coordinated by the FRAME Foundation. A team of experts from six European countries – Poland, Italy, Spain, France, the Czech Republic and Greece – worked together on the results of the project. The assumption is that FakeNews&Elders promotes the social inclusion of older people and the project activities are aimed at older people (55+), local educators, animators, library staff, trainers, consultants, NGOs, Universities of the Third Age. A training platform and course has been developed to equip mature people with scientific and critical thinking skills, and strengthen their ability to deal with disinformation and manipulation in the media.
Speakers at the event will be experts who deal with issues of fake news and training of senior citizens in their daily work, representatives of senior citizens’ organizations, as well as public institutions working on behalf of senior citizens. It will cover the following issues: competencies of senior citizens in media communication, the process of educating seniors, characteristics of fake news and disinformation.
Conference Objectives:
The aim of the event is to draw the public’s attention to the importance of effectively dealing with the phenomena of fake news, disinformation and misinformation among the elderly, and to familiarize stakeholders with the wealth of project activities and resources that can support their tasks in the aforementioned area, as well as online safety more broadly.
Conference addresses:
The event is particularly aimed at organizations involved in lifelong learning, organizers of training for senior citizens, senior citizen organizations, trainers, educators, specialists and researchers, policy makers, public officials, civil society actors, NGOs, practitioners in the field, etc. It is also aimed at seniors.
Conference co-organizers:
- Konsorcjum Cogito – Centrum Edukacji
- Miejska Strefa Kultury w Łodzi
- Fabryka Aktywności Miejskiej w Łodzi
You can sign up through the application form below:
Participation in the Conference is completely free of charge. Travel costs are covered by the participant.
The number of places is limited, the order of registration is decisive. Enrollment continues until January 3, 2024.
A detailed schedule of the conference is coming soon.