Zbychewka Ceramics Studio – Polish partner of the C.A.R.E. project

Zbychewka – the ceramic studio is our Partner for the Ceramic Artworks to Raise Esteem and Employability-CARE project.

We do not mention it now by chance. Our cooperation is developing very well, so we are even more pleased to announce that already in October we will organise together an international ceramic workshop for trainers and teachers working with visually disabled people, which will be attended by representatives of the partner countries of our project, namely Poland, Italy, Ireland, Cyprus and Greece.

The project promotes social inclusion and aims to strengthen the contact of visually impaired people with the local community, as well as with other people with special physical needs. It is only a starting point for the development of inclusive education, which will combine vocational training, non-formal education and knowledge of a specific disability, in order to eventually equip educational and training institutions and organisations working with visually disabled people with new methods so that they can conduct ceramic workshops for the development of psychomotor skills and involve people with disabilities in classes and workshops with people without disabilities, thus fostering social inclusion, tolerance, mutual learning and standardisation of common inclusive education.


You can read about the Ceramic Artworks to Raise Esteem and Employability-CARE project on our website⤵️
