The final results of the ServiceDigiCulture project are in!
ServiceDigiCulture_Newsletter 4 – pobierz wersję pdf!
ServiceDigiCulture_Newsletter 4 – pobierz wersję pdf!
On Monday, we held a meeting on INNOVATION IN SERVICES IN THE CREATIVE SECTOR, which we organised in cooperation with the Surindustrialle café in Łódź as part of the ServiceDigiCulture project. In a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, we introduced the event participants to the ServiceDigiCulture project, which aimed to create a way…
Newsletter 3 – wersja PDF
Are you a creative person? Or do you feel like an artist? Are you looking for an idea for yourself? Or maybe you have one but don’t know how to sell it to others? On 12 June 2023 come to Surindustrialle in Lodz, we have…