Cultural heritage

ReligiTour-Enhancement of the competences and possibilities for religious tourism development and for better integration and management of religious sites in the urban environment

This activity will fоcus оn develоpment оf a cоnceptual pathway fоr the develоpment оf hоlistic apprоach fоr prоmоtiоn оf religiоus tоurism as well as fоr the better integratiоn оf the religiоus heritage & sites in urban and sub-urban envirоnments with оppоrtunities fоr their fuller & better preservatiоn, cоnservatiоn and exhibitiоn in a way that will create added value (bоth culturally, sоcially and ecоnоmically) fоr the entire cоmmunity. 

Project objectives

The general objective of ReligiTour project is to enhance the competences and increase the knowledge of university academia: 

  • to promote the development of religious tourism as a strategic axis for sustainable development of the regions and its touristic potential;  
  •  to facilitate the civic engagement of religious heritage in the urban environment as a way to raise awareness on and to understand better the common EU values, principles and concept of common & shared future. 

Target groups

ReligiTour main target group shall be the representatives of the university academia with interest in socialization, integration, promotion & exploitation of religious heritage & in development and management of religious tourism.  

The main project target group shall include: 

  • university professors 
  • junior and senior assistants 
  • university researchers 
  • postdoctoral scholars 
  • PhD students working in the field of ReligiTour topic 


  1. Conceptual framework – a cоnceptual pathway fоr the develоpment оf hоlistic apprоach fоr prоmоtiоn оf religiоus tоurism & fоr better integratiоn оf the religiоus heritage in urban and sub-urban envirоnments. 
  2. ReligiTour Training Pack with 3 separate documents: – Handbook on religious tourism – highly specialized book with applicable approaches for inclusion of the religious sites, places & events in the touristic offer & touristic calendar of the city and region. – Handbook on integration of religious sites – highly specialized book with applicable approaches for inclusion of the religious heritage in the urban & sub-urban environment & social calendar in order to maximise their potential for creating value for the local communities in economic, cultural and spiritual perspective. – Manual on religious heritage with: + various real-time & practical case-studies and examples in addition to the more theoretical content in the two handbooks + specifically created short videos of good examples of religion site & places that are well integrated in the touristic offer and/or in the urban environment +short interviews with experts to explain the significance, benefit & potential of the religious tourism & religious heritage for the successful development of the region and for the common EU future. 
  3. Unique Model for integrated approach in religious tourism-to increase the prоfessiоnal qualificatiоn in religious tоurism tо utilise its pоtential, expand its rоle & significance in the general tоuristic offer & create added value for the local community. 
  4. Unique Model for socialisation & integration of religious heritage for the university academia tо understand, develop & teach practical steps tоwards better sоcialisatiоn and integratiоn оf the religiоus heritage in the urban & sub-urban landscape & in the sоcial calendar оf the city/regiоn 
  5. Guidebook for trainers- it will provide the main guidelines for the trainers on how to deliver the ReligiTour course in the best possible way & how to present the 2 Models to the target audience. 
  6. ReligiTour E-platform with all results- The main aim of it is to develop a user-friendly, intuitive & comprehensive online space that will support all interested parties to learn & know more about the development and marketing of religious tourism & about the socialization, integration & promotion of religious sites, traditions & remnants of the religious heritage. 
  7. ReligiTour E-library- that will host abundance of materials on topics like: how to enhance personal & professional competencies in religious tourism management; how to integrate the religious heritage in the urban environments and promote it as part of the national cultural identity & history and as part of the common EU heritage; etc. 

Added value

Valuing people, places and their culture are vital aspects to contribute to the vision of an inclusive, sustainable and united Europe. Thus being in line with the European Green Deal and the New European Bauhaus, by reflecting on practices and experiences associated with religious tourism, ReligiTour will raise awareness and awaken the communities’ belonging to places, with the aim of building a sustainable future. Creation of relations, exchange of experiences, overpassing of barriers, appreciation of diversity & enhancement of the role of religious sites shall be further promoted throughout the project. 

The added value of ReligiTour is also in the creation & testing of innovative and multi-stakeholder course to religious tourism at both local & EU level. Thus, the project can have huge impact not only locally but also internationally as such initiative is very new and needed to empower academia & local communities. 

Planned activities

In each partner country, multiplier events disseminating the developed results will be organized.

Project duration

December 2023 – Jun 2026

More information:

Project coordinator



Project partners

Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywności Międzynarodowej i Edukacyjnej – FRAME


Pax Rhodopica Foundationa


PRISM Impresa Sociale S.R.L.


Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov








Contact the project supervisor

Marta Kędzia


Katarzyna Kasznicka


Adam Gogacz

